It is great to be back in Sweden for many reasons. One of them being to reconnect with old friends again. The Sundströms we have known for more than 15 years and it was wonderful to see them again. A couple of weeks ago we were invited to a lovely Sunday dinner and you couldn't feel that we had not seen each other for many years. We just started to catch up with what had happened to relatives and common friends while eating a delicious meal.
Henrik and Maria also have a new "baby", but it is the cutest little dog - Myran. She is a Norwichterrier and is just a couple of months older than Poppy. They were about the same size too and it was fun to see them together. Myran was very sweet and careful so it was actually Poppy who crawl towards Myran to touch her. After a while Myran leaned forward and licked Poppy, but she just laughed. A great first experience with a dog.
Henrik and Maria has Nils and Ylva. Nils was gaming with his older brothers, Max & Leo, who have already moved to their own apartment. But we did say hi to them over Skype. I forgot to take pictures, so it is just Maria's photos I have borrowed. Therefore there are no pictures of her and her husband. We'll change that when we see them this summer.